Piece of Haven

By Kit Rivera-Centeno

Museums can influence movement through the design of their spaces. By taking that concept and creating a spacious, open manumet, the participant is able to walk around and explore the various resources that our school provides and discover resources in Burbank. Pieace of Haven is set near the front left corner of campus due to it being a personal safe space and also to emphasize the duality of studio and outdoor space. Compared to the fast paced nature of the university, this monument encourages people to exist in the moment and ponder what they might need. Throughout the experience, there are multiple floating water drops that send the user to a link dedicated to a specified resource. As the meander through the redar structure, certain flowers bloom to help the user walk through the space and encourage exploration. Throught these various means promoting movement and encouraging visitors to engage with their surroundings is the overall mission of Piece of Haven.